Ict Classroom Rules On Flowvella
O Wait – what is the final thought? This is finally your chance to share what you think about the topic. It is the very last part of your presentation and it should only be 30 seconds to a minute tops. ICT Area Rules Posters (15 member reviews) Free. Save for Later. Save Resource. To save a resource you must first Join or Sign In. A set of display posters containing key rules for your ICT area. Homepage » Key Stage 1 - Year 1, Year 2 » Classroom Signs and Labels » Classroom Areas » ICT Area. SAS Safety 66551 Derma-VUE Powder-Free Exam Grade 6 Mil Nitrile Gloves, Medium, Neon Green Review. ICT Classroom Rules 1) Don't eat or drink in the classroom 2) Don't go on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter 3) Switch computers.
Com e o n ti me and don 't b e l ate 2. Bring all yo ur neede d stuff (boo k, file, flop py disk) and st ationa ry (pens, pencils etc) with you 3. Liste n to your teach er caref ully and take no tes. Don’t dis turb the les son and yo ur friends 4. Raise your hand qu ietly a nd the teach er wi ll get to you 5. Best photo editing software for mac.
Wat ch out for yo ur homew ork and assig nmen t papers, los ing any of them wi ll cause you troubles. NO MORE COPIES!!! Befor e you leav e make su re to retu rn you se at to its plac e, and clea n up your s tation 7. Make s ure t o take ever ything with y ou bef ore le aving 8. No food o r drin k is allow ed; that i nclud es gum, n uts and c andy.
Intel gma 500 driver for mac. Headph ones ar e provid ed as a courtes y servic e. Room measuring app. Studen ts must ret urn headp hone s in the same condition as they were given 5. Computers are intended to be used for educational purpo ses ONL Y.
Computer Rules For Classroom
Y ou can use it for fun if permission taken 6. Loadin g progr ams fro m diske tte, flas h memo ry or CD on to the hard dr ive is not allowed without approval 7. CD-RO Ms and o ther m ultime dia equ ipmen ts are for s chool use on ly. Do no t use them for playing music or other recreational activities 8. If you ar e gone for mo re than 10 mi nutes, the comp uter lab wi ll assig n your computer to someone else, if needed.